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... are a faction of playable night elves in World of Warcraft.. For the Alliance, the druid class was. WoW Night elf Name Generator Select A Gender Gender. Petoholics Anonymous / New WoW Name Generator WoW Name Generator 2.0 - Generate names for World of Warcraft! World of Warcraft Name Generator 2.0 . Welcome to the Future of WoW Name generation, server aware name. It is a fantasy name generator. Its kinda hard to make a name for another person.. Good druid names for world of warcraft that haven't been used? What to name. Druid Alliance Leveling Guide. By: Tim M Carter | 2010-04-29 | Games. It is quite easy to get frustrated leveling in the World of Warcraft, so I made a small mini. Petoholics Anonymous / PANDA WoW Name Generator